
The CodeBuild phase type configures a pipeline phase to build the source code pulled from the repository. The second phase of every pipeline created with Handel-CodePipeline must be a build code phase such as this CodeBuild type.

Build Configuration

You can specify any arbitrary build process in this phase using the buildspec.yml file. You must have this buildspec.yml file in the root of your repository or the CodeBuild phase will fail.


Parameter Type Required Default Description
type string Yes codebuild This must always be codebuild for the CodeBuild phase type.
name string Yes   The value you want to show up in the CodePipeline UI as your phase name.
build_image string Yes   The name of the CodeBuild image to use when building your code. See the CodeBuild documentation for a list of images.
environment_variables map No {} A set of key/value pairs that will be injected into the running CodeBuild jobs.
cache string No no-cache Whether to enable a build cache for this phase. Valid values are no-cache and s3.
build_role string No Handel-created role The role that will be assigned to the CodeBuild project. This role must already exist in your account and must be assumable by CodeBuild.
extra_resources Extra Resources No   A list of extra resources that are necessary to build your code. For example, an S3 bucket in which to cache files.


You can use a custom build image in your account’s EC2 Container Registry by prefixing the build_image parameter with <account>/. For example, <account>/IMAGE:TAG will resolve at run-time to

Using a custom build image also configures the CodeBuild image in privileged mode, which allows you to run Docker inside your image if needed.

Extra Resources

The extra_resources section is defined by the following schema:

    type: <service_type>
    <service_param>: <param_value>

Example S3 bucket:

    type: s3
    bucket_name: my-cache-bucket

The configuration for extra resources matches the configuration in Handel, except that extra resources cannot declare their own dependencies in the dependencies block.

The following services are currently supported in extra_resources:


If you use extra_resources together with a custom build_role, you are responsible for making sure that your custom build role allows access to the extra resources that are created.

Environment Variable Prefix

Your extra resources will be exposed to your build as environment variables.

The naming of these environment matches that used by Handel, except that the pipeline name is used instead of the environment name.


This phase type doesn’t prompt for any secrets when creating the pipeline.

Example Phase Configuration

This snippet of a handel-codepipeline.yml file shows the CodeBuild phase being configured:

version: 1

    - type: codebuild
      name: Build
      build_image: aws/codebuild/docker:1.12.1
        MY_CUSTOM_ENV: my_custom_value

This is a snippet of a handel-codepipeline.yml file which includes an S3 bucket as an extra resource and a custom IAM role:

version: 1

    - type: codebuild
      name: Build
      build_image: aws/codebuild/docker:1.12.1
        MY_CUSTOM_ENV: my_custom_value
      build_role: my-custom-codebuild-role
          type: s3
          #Everything else, including the name, is optional